Advanced Programme 200 Series

IP 206 AUTM Software, Data, and Digital Innovations IP Licensing Course

20 and 21 Aug 2024

2 days

The  AUTM Software, Data, and Digital Innovations IP Licensing Course is specifically for all those who work with software, data and other digital information assets. Ideal for both newcomers and experienced practitioners, the course provides an overview of basic IP principles and use cases from emerging topic areas such as artificial intelligence and machine learning training data.  Participants will leave with better understanding of the foundational issues, best practice strategies and tools to handle many  software, data, and digital IP asset management and licensing situations.

Lecture I

20 Aug 2024(Tue)


Time Topic

Welcome & Introduction


Introduction to the Topics in the Course 

  • Why software & data are different
  • Course outline

Intellectual Property (IP) Primer and Introduction to Different Technology Protections

  • Patents
  • Copyrights
  • Trademarks and trade secrets
  • Data
10:30-11:00 Morning Break

Strategy for Managing Different Types of Technology Assets

  • Software intake forms
  • Assessment tools
  • Patent filing strategies- e.g. when to file a patent
  • Nonexclusive vs. exclusive licensing
  • How to license multiple IP types together (eg software, patents, hardware, etc.)

Anatomy of a Software License Agreement

  • Details of software license agreements
  • Differences between software vs. traditional patent licenses
  • Important clauses specifically related to software

Lunch Break


Preparing for a License Negotiation

  • Best practices
  • Process steps
  • Overcoming sticking points
  • Establishing long term relationships

Open-Source Licensing and Issues

  • Introduction to the commonly used licenses
  • OSS license compatibility/nuances
  • Dual-licensing strategies
  • Research publication requirements

Afternoon Break


Artificial Intelligence (AI)/Machine Learning (ML) Licensing

  • Introduction AI concepts, including Large Language Models (LLMs)
  • Strategies for dealing with AI innovations

Lecture II

21 Aug 2024(Wed)


09:00-09:05 Welcome to Day 2

The Importance of Data as a Digital Asset 

  • Different data types
  • Nuances of data, including ownership and usage issues
  • Helpful steps to determine clear title and freedom to use data
  • Data licensing- incoming and outgoing data use agreements
  • Issues involving medical, patient and/or protected data
10:15-10:45 Morning Break

Valuation and Marketing Software 

  • Express Software Licenses
  • Dual licensing
12:00-13:00 Lunch Break

Partnering with Industry and Corporate Alliances

  • Key points in corporate sponsored research agreements
  • Developing mutually beneficial relationships with industry and other sponsors
  • Conflicts of interest for inventors who are founders

Startup Licensing

  • Common terms in software startup license agreements
  • Balancing entrepreneur and investors interests
  • Nonexclusive vs. exclusive licensing

University Practices Related to Patent Infringement

  • Infringement detection
  • Building a case for leadership

Afternoon Break


Additional Case Studies in Software and Data Licensin


Closing remarks

  • How to connect going forward (AUTM)

Target Audience

The Courses are designed for technology transfer employees, university researchers, students, entrepreneurs and industry practitioners interested in technology transfer, start-up and commercialisation issues of the region.



The organiser reserves the final rights to change the course details and arrangements.

CE points 

All AUTM professional development courses are eligible for continuing education (CE) points with the Alliance of Technology Transfer Professionals (“ATTP”) leading to the designation of Registered Technology Transfer Professionals (“RTTP”). This AUTM course will offer 12 hours of CE points. For more information about the registration process and requirements for Registered Technology Transfer Professional (RTTP), please visit the website of the Alliance of Technology Transfer Professionals (ATTP) at


  1. This course is provided by AUTM.
  2. The course is sponsored by the Intellectual Property Department, jointly organised by the Knowledge Transfer Office of City University of Hong Kong and the Knowledge Transfer and Entrepreneurship Office of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University and the organisers reserve the final rights to accept any registration and participation.
